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- Create Date November 4, 2022
- Last Updated November 4, 2022
D6.5 White paper Report on best practices for HRC integration into production - FULL PAPER
This document reviews the best practices stemming from the Sharework project, contributing to a smooth cobot integration on the workplace from a human factors point of view. It was written based on four project’s use cases and focuses on a number of success factors that were identified for all the use cases. Cobots are a costly investment that aim to reduce ergonomics issue, mental load and increase productivity. How the final users perform with them is thus a key element of successful integration. Any robot integration should be carefully prepared to make sure that the social terrain is ready, and that the technology can adapt to how the operators work (and not the other way around). Three indicators were measured in collaboration with the operators themselves: trust, situational awareness, and cognitive load. We also identified six key points for a successful integration, which focus on the integrator’s location, the operators’ expertise in the task, their perception of technology, the feeling of safety around the robot, how operator’s feedback is addressed and the involvement of the management team.