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- Create Date October 5, 2021
- Last Updated October 5, 2021
D6.2 Report on HRI design best practices - ABSTRACT
Acceptability is not a natural and automatic process for human beings. Distrustful by nature, humans prefer to comfort themselves in a known approach rather than test the unknown at the risk of being disappointed or even dissatisfied with the result.
However, the Industry 4.0 era is leading companies to integrate more and more technologies in their work environments. Sometimes, without any consultation with the employees who are faced with powerful technological solutions, but sometimes not very engaging or even terrifying.
The objective of this deliverable is to present the approach to integrate the human factor in the design process of the Sharework project:
• What are the elements to take into account in the evaluation of the potential acceptability of an innovative product (UTAUT model)?
• How to improve it and make it more acceptable by a participative and collective design approach (UX design)
During the process, we will identify new expectations from operators that were not expressed at the beginning of the project and anticipate, at the end of the experiments, any fears and doubts not expressed as well by all the stakeholders of each use case. During this process, we will also establish our approach to measure KPIs related to the human factor (see D1.7 & D6.1) and how these are going to improve significantly the final project.