Sharework project promotes a new Call for Papers to be presented in a Special Session on “Knowledge Representation and Robotics”, that will be celebrated within the 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning taking place on July 31st – August 5th in Haifa (Israel).
The deadline for title and abstract submissions is the 2nd of February 2022
This special session has the objective to emphasise Knowledge Representation & Robotics, collecting papers and contributions that extend the state of the art and the knowledge representation and reasoning methods to address the challenges faced by robots operating in the real world. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) contributes to the theory and practice of various areas in Artificial Intelligence, including automated planning and natural language understanding, including databases, verification, software, engineering and robotics.
Papers submitted can be focused on some of these different key topics:
- Reasoning with different sensory modalities
- Sensor interpretation and continuous data streams in robotic scenarios
- Reasoning with time and space
- Dealing with uncertain, incomplete or contradictory information
- Detecting and handling errors and anomalies
- Modelling different types of robot intelligence
- Human-Robot Interaction and Cognitivie Architectures for Robotics
- Ontology Engineering for Robotics and Knowledge Graphs for Robotics
- Representing implicit knowledge for use in robotics applications
- Applying general-purpose knowledge-bases to scenarios in robotics
- Integrating different computational methods– e.g., data-driven and knowledge-driven
- Integrating symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches
- Explainable and transparent robot behaviours
- Reasoning for deliberation and decision-making
- Reasoning for planning and task allocation
- Combining reasoning with control theories and causal reasoning in robotics applications
- Orchestrating Multi-Robot Systems
The Special Session will be chaired by representatives from the National Research Council from Italy, partner of Sharework project, together with members of the Open University (UK).
Important deadlines:
- February 2nd, 2022: Submission of title and abstract
- February 9th, 2022: Paper submission deadline
- March 29th – 31st, 2022: Author response period
- April 15th, 2022: Author notification
- May 7th, 2022: Camera-ready papers
- July 31st – August 5th, 2022: Conference
Submission information:
This Special Session allows contributions of both regular papers (up to 9 pages, including abstract, figures, appendices but excluding references and acknowledgements) and short papers (up to 4 pages, excluding references and acknowledgements).
Both full and short papers must describe original, previously unpublished research, and must not simultaneously be submitted for publication elsewhere. These restrictions do not apply to previously accepted workshop papers with a limited audience and/or without archival proceedings, and to papers uploaded at public repositories (e.g., arXiv).
Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed by PC members who are active in KR & Robotics. They will evaluate the basis of the overall quality of the scientific contribution, including criteria such as originality, soundness, relevance, significance, quality of presentation, and awareness of the state of the art.