Researchers from 15 institutions and companies in six different European countries met on November 27-28 at Eurecat’s facilities in Cerdanyola to launch the Sharework project, which aims to develop the necessary intelligence and methods for a safe and effective human-robot cooperation on current manufacturing processes.
In this meeting, presentations were made by each of the participating companies in order to explain what tasks they perform and what responsibilities they have.
The kick-off meeting was attended by all consortium partners with representatives from Eurecat, Sharework’s project coordinator, five research institutions (Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation of the Univeristy of Patras, Fraunhofer, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Riserche, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, RWTH-Aachen); eight industrial partners, of which three are SMEs (STRANE-France, STAM-Italy, GOIZPER-Spain); and five large companies (ASLTOM-Spain, CEMBRE-Italy, NISSAN-Spain, INTRASOFT-Luxembourg, MCM-Italy), in addition to a standardising organisation (UNE-Spain).