After four years work, Sharework project is finishing at the end of 2022. Both scenarios raised at the beginning of the project have been implemented in Antzuola, Goizper shopfloor. As part of this project, the turntable assembly area has been adapted with a new assembly station including a cobot and a single-axis mechanism.
The integration has been performed in two phases:
- First, it has been developed and tested in STAM facilities, Italy.
- Then, once the system worked properly the system has been transferred to Goizper, where an in-field commissioning and training for operators that are using the system has been performed.
Scenario 1: Bolts tightening
The main objective in Scenario 1 was improving operator’s ergonomics during a repetitive task, such as bolts tightening. This has been reached by a fruitful collaboration between the operator and a cobot. While the operator locates the bolts, the cobot is introducing and providing the requested torque to them.

Bolts tightening process. Before (left) and nowadays (right)
Operators are confident working next to the cobot and they are not concerned for safety. The speed of the cobot is very low and there is a low chance for damage.
Scenario 2: Quality inspection
In Scenario 2 the goal was the same as Scenario 1: eliminate human effort, but in this case during the quality inspection of the rolling elements. The operator used to turn the shaft manually for this operation. Eliminating human effort has been totally achieved replacing human force by a single-axis mechanism. In addition, the operator now is only focused on the quality check, so the results should improve in a short future.
Operators are not using their arms anymore and they feel happy due to the stress it used to cause on their arms and back. Now the operator makes the shaft turn by gestures and a tablet command.

Quality inspection. Before (left) and nowadays (right)
The system has succeeded, and operators have thanked its implementation.
Validation test will be performed during October 2022. During these tests the reached objectives will be measured, comparing them with the theoretic KPIs defined in 2019. The main KPIs are related to Safety, Ergonomics, Productivity and Quality.
Next steps
Goizper is aware that this is only a prototype, and it aims to continue working hard with Sharework system integration to make it more industrially reliable. There are details, related to safety and reliability of the system, that can be improved. Goizper will also focus on all the points that will be remarked during the validation tests.
Concerning the next steps, some actions are clear for Goizper. On the one hand, if the cobot bolts tightening system (scenario 1) becomes successful during the validation phase and the following year, it will be extended to other turntable sizes and models.
On the other hand, the single-axis mechanism has already succeeded among operators in the shopfloor and in the short future it will be improved to become a mobile system, instead of a fixed station as nowadays. Thus, it will be useful in all the assembly stations within the assembly area shopfloor.
Goizper S. Coop., one of the leading technology suppliers in power transmission components, is participating in Sharework project since November, 2018. Goizper manufactures and supplies customized power transmission components to meet market needs in sectors like metal forming, automotive, aeronautics, packaging, construction, marine and machine tools.
Mikel Anasagasti Alberdi
Electronics engineer at Goizper S. Coop., working in the R+D+I department since 2014. High experience in software development. Involved in innovative projects working together with Basque Research & Technology Alliance.