Presented at the ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics at the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling PlanRob (August 2021)
Stefan-Octavian Bezrucav and Burkhard Corves (RWTH Aachen University); Gerard Canal (King’s College London), Michael Cashmore (University of Strathclyde)
Task planning and task execution are two high-level robot control modules that often are working with representations of the scenario at different levels of abstraction. Thus, a further mapping module is required to connect the abstract planned actions to the robot-specific algorithms that must be called in order to execute these actions.
We present a novel implementation of such a module that allows a user to define this mapping for all actions through a single configuration file. This greatly reduces the amount of effort that is required to integrate an automated planner with a robotic platform.
This module has been integrated as an Action Interface of the automated task planning framework ROSPlan, and includes a Graphical User Interface though which the configuration file can be easily generated and updated. The use of the interface is demonstrated in two scenarios: with robot actors possessing only a single action, and a more complex scenario with multiple agents and types of actions.