Sharework project has been represented during the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), an international forum aimed at exchanging news and research results on theory applications of intelligent and automated planning and scheduling technology, which has been celebrated virtually from August 2nd – 13th.
During the Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS) workshop, Amedeo Cesta, Alessandro Umbrico and Andrea Orlandini, partners from the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), presented the work “A Tool to Model Task Planning Domain for Human-Robot Collaboration”, which is focused on some Sharework research results.
The paper presents a novel software tool, called TENANT (Tool fostEriNg Ai plaNning in roboTics) that facilitates domain experts in defining goals, tasks and a set operational constraint enabling the automatic generation of A.I. models for robot control. The tool has been validated within Sharework project industrial scenarios to demonstrate its effectiveness in generating automated planning models to control a collaborative robot.
Stefan-Octavian Bezrucav, Research Assistant in Robotics and Mechatronics at the Institute of Mechanism Theory, Machine Dynamics and Robotics of RWTH Aachen University, presented two papers at the ICAPS 2021 workshops. The first paper, entitled “Case Study: AI Task Planning Setup for an Industrial Scenario with Mobile Manipulators”,investigates which are the most suitable modelling approaches and solving planners for the Sharework planning problems. These planning problems describe how the different actions required to reach the set goals should be distributed among the involved agents: humans and robots. This paper it was discussed during the Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK).
The second paper is entiteled “An Action Interface Manager for ROSPlan” and was accepted at the Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob). It introduces a new software module to the ROSPlan framework, by which the planned actions are configured for execution in a user-friendly way. This module is used as part of Sharework to dispatch the planned actions to the actors.
Additionally, Sharework partner Andrea Orlandini has organised the Call for Papers “Robotics Track” that was presented in the PlanRob Workshop, aimed at providing a stable and long-term forum in which researchers from Planning & Scheduling (P&S) and Robotics sectors can discuss relevant issues, development and research progress and future challenges related to P&S techniques applied to Robotics.