Sharework project has been presented during the 2nd online workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and formal verification, logic, automata and synthesis”, which took place on September 25th as part of the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge (Bosk2020).
The workshop, hosted by OVERLAY Group, provided a stimulating environment where researchers and participants could discuss about opportunities and challenges of the two areas. The OVERLAY group fosters the collaboration among a diverse team of Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence researchers with the aim to pursue a multidisciplinary research at the border of the two fields.
During the workshop, project partners, Andrea Orlandini, Amedeo Cesta and Alessandro Umbrico, from the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), presented the paper “A language for Timeline-based Planning”, based on Sharework project research and achievements. All the papers presented in the workshop will be included in the Proceedings of the event, published at CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
The paper presents “GHOST”, a new language for robotics timeline-based planning and scheduling aimed to specifically address the weaknesses and having readability, maintainability, generality and increased expressive power among its design goals. GHOST provides a concrete and compact modelling language for timeline-based planning and scheduling with uncertainty.
The Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, organised by the Centre for Knowledge and Data of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, brought together scholars, students and industry participants from different disciplines to attend an important diversity of conferences, workshops and public events with the aim to engage with the broad topics, issues and challenges related to knowledge in the 21st century.