Andrea Orlandini, Alessandro Umbrico and Amedeo Cesta, researchers at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), have participated at the 53rd CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems, which took place online last 29th September – 1st October 2020.
During the conference, they presented the paper “An ontology for Human-Robot Collaboration”, which presents SOHO (Sharework Ontology for Human Robot Collaboration), a novel ontology specifically designed for Human-Robot Collaboration that describes the pursued context-based approach, the novelty of the designed ontology with respect to the state of the art and its validity in a realistic human-robot collaboration scenario. SOHO formally characterises HRC manufacturing scenarios by considering different perspectives. Its main original feature relies on the use of a context-based approach to ontology design, supporting flexible representation of collaborative production processes.
Download the paper published here
The CIRP Conference aims to provide an interaction platform allowing world-leading researchers and industry experts to disseminate their work and research, as well as to exchange points of view about the main challenges related to Smart factories. During the conference, participants have discussed different topics such as the design for assembly, human-robot interaction/collaboration in assembly, energy efficiency in assembly and joining among others.