Sharework project research has been presented during the TAILOR project (H2020 ICT-48) conference (September 21st -22nd ) and summer school (September 24th).
TAILOR conference gathered the scientific community online to discuss scientific progress. The conference included a presentation on AI planning modelling for Human-Robot Collaboration based on a paper published in the framework of RO-MAN 2021 by Elisa Foderaro, Amedeo Cesta, Alessandro Umbrico and Andrea Orlandini.
On the other hand, on September 24th, Sharework partner Andrea Orlandini has given a lecture on “Automated Planning and Scheduling: development of robust and dependable system”.
TAILOR is an EU-funded ICT-48 Network (GA 952215) with the purpose of building the capacity of providing the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI in Europe by developing a network of research excellence centres leveraging and combining learning, optimization and reasoning.
The TAILOR consortium builds a fully functional network of centres of research excellence on the foundations of Trustworthy AI covering all of Europe. The project will define the governance structure of the network, leveraging existing expertise and platforms ecosystems. The strategic, organisational and procedural aspects will be defined together with the more operational and functional aspects.