Sharework project research has been presented during a session held within the 30th IEEE International virtual Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2021), celebrated from 8th – 12th of August.
Project partners, Andrea Orlandini and Marco Faroni, from the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and Mohamad Bdiwi from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Industry (IWU), organised the session “Safe and Acceptable Human-Robot Collaboration”, which included a presentation of the some developments and research results obtained under the framework of Sharework project.
During the session, three papers based on Sharework work have been presented. The papers “Simplifying the A.I. Planning Modelling for Human-Robot Collaboration” and “Anytime Informed Path Re-Planning and Optimization for Human-Robot Collaboration“, writen by partners from CNR and on the other hand, the paper “Modular System Design Approach for Online Ergonomics Assessment in Agile Production Environment”, written by partners from Fraunhofer IWU.
The paper “Simplifying the A.I. Planning Modelling for Human-Robot Collaboration” presents a novel software tool, called TENANT (Tool fostEriNg Ai plaNning in roboTics) whose aim is to facilitate the use of AI planning technologies by providing domain experts like e.g., production engineers, with a graphical software framework to synthesise AI planning models abstracting from syntactic features of the underlying planning formalism. The tool has been validated within Sharework project industrial scenarios.
On the other hand, the paper “Anytime Informed Path Re-Planning and Optimization for Human-Robot Collaboration” presents an approach being tested under the Sharework project framework to change the robot path online when the human operator is in the robot way. The method exploits a set of pre-computed paths to compute a new feasible path in case of obstruction to enhance the trajectory’s readability.
Finally, the publication titled “Modular System Design Approach for Online Ergonomics Assessment in Agile Production Environment”, proposes a method for agile production or traditional factory floors using a marker less camera-based system using real-time joint position estimations as input and providing a continuous or summarized individual ergonomic feedback as output.
The RO-MAN Conference is a leading forum which presents and discuss the state-of-the-art innovative results, the latest developments and the future perspectives and challenges related to robot and human interactive communication.